Tweeting about #academicwriting in June

(Oodi, Helsinki City Library, Helsinki, Finland)

During the month of June, I tweeted about academic writing every weekday.

So, what did I learn about the way that my research term actually works from my tweets?

I learned that there was less reading than I’d assumed, and rather less reading than I’d planned, and that more writing happened. I’m sure that some of this was related to approaching deadlines, but it was really useful to see how closely my research term is related to actual writing.  

I also learned this period of still-Covid conference related travel takes way more time, energy, and patience than was required previously. To justify the resources required, the conference really has to be worthwhile; and, fortunately, the one I attended was crucially important for my research. And, somewhat surprisingly, I did tasks during June, that were related to teaching that won’t happen until September and spent time with both undergraduate and graduate students.

Tweeting about what I did each day helped keep me accountable. But, more importantly, it provided me with an opportunity to engage with other academics who were mostly also on their research terms and with another space to think and talk about academic writing.

In August, you’re welcome to continue following me on social media. I invite you to switch over to my Instagram account, @upalongernl, where I’ll be posting a daily photo from my Artist Residency at the Icelandic Textile Centre, @textilmidstod

June 2

In June I’ll tweet #academicwriting everyday (Mon.-Fri.). Plans include conference travel, grant writing, and an article. And email. There’s also a creative (weekends only) project. Designated by my university as my research term, let’s see this it goes

June 3

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Some thoughtful reading & notetaking from Thomas Wilson’s Rural Politics in County Meath, Ireland (2013). Now a walk and some fresh air to consider the relevance for these ideas for my article and writing in progress

June 6

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Some readings, meeting with a graduate student & preparing a conference paper for @ReproFutures. Am enjoying Fertility Futures Interview Series with @ReproSoc & listening to episodes in advance of conference

June 7

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Writing today facilitated by a brisk, cold walk with my walking group. Listened to a Fertility Futures interview @ReproFutures @ReproSoc, wrote for a couple of hours, and previewed a film for fall teaching. And email

June 8

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Appointments, errands, and intermittent reading, writing & editing. Booked trail trave l for @ReproFutures conference. On my way to Tampere

June 9

Editing conference paper to convey argument in way that includes theoretical & methodological contributions. In 15 mins. It’s a challenge!

June 10

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Carved out a dedicated hour for grant writing that slid off my plate this week. And preparing for my first still-Covid international conference. Travel days ahead

June 13

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Three flights & train travel. There will be no academic writing today

June 14

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Bit of scoping out of conference venue & city, an online seminar, thanks to faculty skills developed in the pandemic – & some longhand strategizing because, anyone have a power cord for a MacBook Air?

June 15

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Full day of conferencing & lots to think about. Thanks to the tech team @ the conference for the loan of a power cord

June 16

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. I’ve begun to think about a new project. Ok, so it’s a sub-set of my existing research & seems manageable. It’s excitingly new. Did I need a new project? How did it find me?

June 17

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Conference presentation @ 9:00 am & my day is ending at 11:00 pm. No academic writing was done today

June 20

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. I did some editing & reediting of the draft of a grant application. But what seems more significant is the space where I wrote. Oodi (Helsinki City Library) reconceptualized the library #newlevel

June 21

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Wrote 360 new words, deleted 150 words, moved words left to a new section, imported text from another document, moved imported text, deleted imported text, wrote 200 new words. Deep sigh

June 22

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Now going into second hour of delays while sitting on runways. Airport delays: 2, academic writing: 0

June 23

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. This morning’s travel began @ 3:40 am. Knowing when it’s time to say that writing resumes tomorrow

June 24

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Jet lagged, but it’s sunny & warm so I’m taking the day as Finnish midsummer. Yup, this is three days of not writing #changedcourse

June 27

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Important decisions about abortion also made in Malta, Spain, Germany, Poland, Northern Ireland & UK. For those of us who research & write about reproductive justice, this is just Monday

June 28

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Long day at my desk today, some reading, some writing, and some working through ideas that aren’t yet clear. Do you know who else is writing in June? Grad students. Read some of their writing today too

June 29

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Took a deep dive into the databases today & spend the day reading & writing. Joined @AbortionBooks_ for a discussion of the current book & current events. Next month’s title is in the @MUNQEII library.

June 30

Tweeting about #academicwriting in June. Some writing, some reading, copying and collating travel receipts.  Also advising with an undergraduate students, a Gender Studies major. Great to hear how excited she is about beginning #MemorialU in the fall.

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